>  A construct like this
>     \notes\relative c''{ 
>       \time 5/4; 
>       \autoBeamOff 
>       c4 c 
>        \context Staff < 
>                 {\voiceone b8( )g8}
>                 {\voicetwo [b8 g8]}  
>          > 
>       g4 g
>     }
> used to isolate the \voiceone and \voicetwo sections quite nicely. 
> Now, the \voiceone stems do not appear, and the \voicetwo directive
> appears to `leak' so the two g notes are stemdown, not stemup.

It's not the scoping rules that have changed, rather the 
automatic creation of contexts (and the definition of the 
macros \voicexxx). Now you explicitly have to create and
name the two Voice contexts. For your example, this would

    \notes\relative c''{ 
      \time 5/4; 
      c4 c 
        \context Voice=voiceone {\stemup b8( )g8}
        \context Voice=voicetwo {\stemdown [b8 g8]}  
      g4 g

This requires a few more key strokes but is more explicit 
and less magic than the feature you used in version 1.2.x


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