On Monday, 3 April 2000, Alain CULOS writes:

> I then tried the cygnus distribution (where Jan got me wrong on the directori
    + es
> issue : I suggested sticking with windows type installation directory structu
    + re
> even though I agreed that Unix type makes more sense for normal use of Unix
> packages).

Oh, I understood your wish, and I did change a previous distribution.
For the moment, I'll be using the unix style layout, because that's
a bit easier for me, and Cygnus does it that way as well.

> It would be nice to name the setup.zip something more explicit like
> lilypond-1.3.41-setup.zip or some such.


> Comments on the distribution :
> I got rpm to respond by changing [echo > rpmrc] into [touch rpmrc] (after hav
    + ing
> deleted the file) otherwise it disregarded me with something like [Failed to
> read rpmrc: error 0.].

Hmm, that's a pity.  Touch is a part of the fileutils package, I was
hoping that we'd only need cygwin.dll, bash and guile.
Could you try things like:  echo -n > rpmrc or dos' echo "" > rpmrc?

> Now rpm responds but not very favoroubly I'm afraid.
> ===========
> $ rpm --root $ROOT --rcfile rpmrc --initdb

This creates $ROOT/var/lib/rpm/*

> + rpm --root /PROGRAM/LilyPond-1.3.41 --rcfile rpmrc --initdb
>failed to open /PROGRAM/LilyPond-1.3.41/var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm: No such file
>or directory
> ===========
> Yes, I am sticking with windows directory in my windows world, sorry for your
> nice and coherent ethic. Still that should not prevent the thing from working
> should it ?
> This file indeed was not part of the setup.zip package. Should it have been ?

Uh, no.  Rpm tries to access (update) its database, in <root>/var/lib/rpm/*,
in your case /PROGRAM/LilyPond-1.3.41/var/lib/rpm/*, but there's no database
there.  You can create one, there: 

    mkdir -p /PROGRAM/LilyPond-1.3.41/var/lib/rpm
    rpm --rcfile rpmrc --root /PROGRAM/LilyPond-1.3.41 --initdb
    rpm --rcfile rpmrc --root /PROGRAM/LilyPond-1.3.41 RPMS/i686-cygwin/

or something like this, but it would make more sense to use the .zips.
This way, rpm is more trouble than it's worth.

> If I try the next command it simply tells me that it cannot install the packa
    + ges
> :
> error: rpm-3.0.4-1.i686-cygwin.rpm cannot be installed


> Now I changed the cygwin1.dll manually (a much nicer dll by the way, not the 
    + 5MB
> one !) - and it does not seem to cause problems to bash so far but I did not 
    + do
> anything fancy yet, like compiling and stuff, though it should really be OK a
    + s I
> mainly use mingw32.
> That's it for now, I'm not sure what the next step is. Please advise and I'll
> act.

Use windows layout and the zips, or install all Cygnus programs in the 
same root and use rpm.  All cygnus programs are installed under the same
root (usertools.exe, full.exe), only if you use rpm, you can easily uninstall
and upgrade.



Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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