Using lilypond-1.3.42 I get the following results:

% ly2dvi
assertion "status_i_!= busy" failed: file "", 
line 242

Enclosed is the lily source and the output log.


Jeffrey B. Reed

filename =       "";
title =  "Angels We Have Heard on High";
description =    "Christmas Carol.";

composer =       "French Carol, 1854";
enteredby =      "Jeffrey B. Reed";
copyright =      "public domain";

global = \notes {
        \time 2/2;
        \key f \major;
        \tempo 2=60;
        \clef treble;

\version "1.3.41";
% \include ""

flute1 = \notes \relative c'' \context Voice = flute {
        \property Staff.instrument = "flute"

        a'4 a a c   | 
        c4. bes8 a2 |
        a4 g a c    |

        a4. g8 f2   |
        a4 a a c    |
        c4. bes8 a2 |

        a4 g a c                |
        a4. g8 f2               |
        c'2( [ d8 c8 bes8  a8 ] |

        bes2 [ c8 bes8 a8 g8 ]  |
        a2 [ bes8 a8 g8 f8 ]    | 
        )g4. c,8 c2             |

        f4 g a bes     |
        a2 g2          |
        c2( [ d8 c8 bes8  a8 ] |

        bes2 [ c8 bes8 a8 g8 ]  |
        a2 [ bes8 a8 g8 f8 ]    | 
        )g4. c,8 c2             |

        f4 g a bes     |
        a2( )g2        |
        f1            \bar "|."; 

flute2 = \notes \relative c'' \context Voice = flute {
        \property Staff.instrument = "flute"
        f4 f e e  | 
        g4 e f2   |
        f4 e f f  |

        f4 e f2   |
        f4 f e e  |
        f4 g f2   |

        f4 e f f  |
        f4 e f2   |
        f4 ( [a8 g8 ] f2( |

        )f4 [g8 f8] e2(  |
        )e4 [f8 e8] d2   |
        )c4.c8 c2        |

        c4 e f f  |
        f2 e2     |
        f4 ( [a8 g8 ] f2( |

        )f4 [g8 f8] e2(  |
        )e4 [f8 e8] d2   |
        )c4.c8 c2        |

        c4 e f f  |
        f2( )e2   | 
        c1        |

flute1_staff = \context Staff = flute1_group <

flute2_staff = \context Staff = flute2_group <

flutes = \context StaffGroup <

                \tempo 2 = 60 ;

ly2dvi (GNU lilypond) 1.3.42.jbr1
executing: lilypond 2>&1
GNU LilyPond 1.3.42.jbr1
Interpreting music...[8][16][22]elapsed time: 4.26 seconds
Preprocessing elements... 
"status_i_!= busy" failed: file "", line 242
ly2dvi: Lilypond failed: lilypond 2>&1

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