On Wed, Apr 19, 2000 at 08:38:57PM +0200, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> I'm using Timidity, almost exclusively.  There may be/seems to be a
> problem with two voices on one track, but I don't know whose fault
> that is.  Using the -EO flag with Timidity, all is fine.
Yeah, I have problems with playmidi2.4 and timidity without -EO when I have
\grace {[e16 f]} e4
because one of the graces gets stuck and is never released, sounding
Timidity with -EO doesn't have this problem, but playmidi seems to play
more of my music (which has far more than 16 simultaneous voices).

Another problem is the Dynamic_performer, which I have to remove from the
Voice context.  If I don't, there are strange noises in the output.
xplaymidi tells me that the first channel (No. 01) switches from
acpiano to ringwhsl, and I hear sounds like explosions in different
pitches. If I remove the performer, channel 01 doesn't display an
instrument and stays at half level, but the explosions are gone.

You will already know that when tieing two chords, only one note
sounds tied and warnings are emitted 'No ties were created!'


Dirk Lattermann     | Information is not knowledge | Beauty is not love
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Knowledge is not wisdom      | Love is not music
Bonn, Germany       | Wisdom is not truth          | Music is THE BEST
                    | Truth is not beauty          |         (Frank Zappa)

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