Back in the days of Lily 1.2, \grace { \property Grace.stemStyle = "" c 
} would produce a single grace note without a slash through the stem. I 
have been trying to produce the same result in Lily 1.3 (1.3.50 to be 
precise) without success. I've had a read through the mailing list 
archives and I guess the syntax has changed because of the "scheme" 
integration. I don't know much about scheme, though, so my various 
guesses (setting the property to #"", ##f, #0, etc.) have failed 

Can anyone point out the proper way to this with Lily 1.3 - or is it a 
bug in Lily 1.3.50? I'm quite willing to upgrade if necessary but it 
does take a while to recompile everything with my rather pedestrian 
Pentium 120...

Thanks in advance,


PS. I apologise if this appears twice - my mail software crashed when 
trying to send it the first time...


Chris Sawer - Liverpool, England - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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