Thanks Jan, that works beautifully. Incidentally, I got the syntax
(but not the typo) off of the current web pages, in the property

On another topic, is there a way to get slurs to connect the top notes
of two chords? At present, anything I try seems to get a slur from the
middle note of the first chord to the top note of the second. I
noticed there's the same flaw in one of the long examples from the
webpage (Standchen, mm 9).

Ideally, I'd like to be able to do <a c e>()<b d f> and have three
slurs, a()b, c()d, e()f, like you can with the tie syntax, but at
present, lilypond rejects this as a syntax error.

Thanks again for your help,

> On Saturday, 29 July 2000, Scott Ballantyne writes:
> > I can't seem to get the horizontal shift stuff to work for me, my
> > latest effort is:
> Assuming this is all in Staff context, you're trying to use non-scheme
> (1.2 style properties), and have made a typo.
> Try
>     \include ""
>     \score{
>     \context Staff\notes<
>              \context Voice = vone {
>                   \stemup 
>                   \property Voice.horizontalNoteShift=#1
>                   \property Voice.forceHorizontalShift = #1
>                   s8 s8 e,8}
>               \context Voice = vtwo {
>                        \stemdown
>                        [gs16( b\< e e, gs )\!e' ]
>                       }
>               >
>     }
> Greetings,
> Jan.
> >         \context Voice = vone {
> >             \stemup 
> >             \property Voice.horizontalNoteShift=1
> >             \property Voice.forceHorizontalSHift = "1"
> >             s8 s8 e,8}
> >         \context Voice = vtwo {
> >                  \stemdown
> > 
> >                  [gs16( b\< e e, gs )\!e' ]
> >                 }
> >         >
> > 

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