> Is it possible to run 2 versions of lilypond with some degree of ease? I
> have
> plenty of mhz, diskspace, and memory (512M). What I lack is savvy and
> time. I
> have too much stuff to do to stay on the bleeding edge--I think--maybe.

the safest way is to compile both versions with different prefixes,

        configure --prefix=$HOME/usr/unstable [your options]
        make  ; make install

and for a different version

        configure --prefix=$HOME/usr/stable [your options]
        make  ; make install

(btw, could you check your mail setup? Your mailer inserts lots of
redundant line breaks)

> As the number of time signatures or key signatures in a section of a
> piece
> increases, the value of the warnings at the ends of preceding staves
> decreases.
> I'm sure that you are fully aware of this. Perhaps if there are more
> than 2?
> changes per 8? measures the warnings should have to be forced? There
> should be
> no default warning at a D.C. or D.S., because a D.C. or D.S may or
> may not cause one never to go to the next page or part from the end of
> the
> first page or part, but rather from somewhere in the middle, and a
> warning then
> looks really really bad. Not as bad as a warning at the very end of a
> piece, however, which I have seen in Schott.

you can change the display by setting visibility-lambda of
basicKeyItemProperties (fiel: engraver.ly) to an appropriate value

> I wish that you had used QWerqwER (shifting mainly the white notes) for
> time
> rather than 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128. The numbers 0-7 could be better
> used
> for velocities alone.

Using letters as durations makes multilingual notenames very
troublesome, and I don't like the syntax, especially for
reading. Proposal rejected.

> I hope that there is a copyright notice on the *first* page by default
> by now.
> There should be. Unlike the tagline, it is usually centered. Would it be
> so
> hard to have (c) = "2000Someone Real Name" do it in the header block?
> You could
> still have the tagline to the right of it. ;-)

oops. This is a TODO item.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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