Hi there,

after I've tried other music-typesetting programs, I returned to lily
cmn lacks an high output quality. mup is shareware. abc, same as cmn.
MusiXTex is probably better, but it's *much* difficult.

Now I returned to lily, and compiled the first five lines of Ballade in
g minor by Chopin.
I've to say that the output doesn't satisfy me, because of some errors:

(in attach you will find the full source (a mess...) and the ps file)

1) first bar, the slur is a bit "attached" to F sign. Not a real bug :-)

2) bars 1-3: I want the beams of all the notes a bit higher: they are
too short.
Also, at bar 2, the last four notes at the bass (jumping from bass to
treble), the beam has
too high angle, so that the second A flat (in that beam) has a relly
short stem. Lily 1.2.16
compiles different (the beams are 'plane', no angle)
3) bars 3-4: dynamics marks are too "attached" to staff and notes above.
They should stay
just a bit above the mid of the staff.
4) bar 4: here's the first of lot of bugs in slur handling. The slur
goes over the notes (and beams).
In next bar (5) the slur goes over the treble clef and over notes again.

5) bar 6: at Bass: a chord-to chord slur, starts from and end to middle
note of the chord: uuuugly.
At Treble: there's a little collision between accento mark and
Also, I'd want the crescend mark to end about at middle of the 7th bar:
dynamics can be
placed just at note position, but in a lot of cases I need the mark to
be between notes, bars, etc...
There should be some command to define an offset.
6) bar 8: Here, in the c d f b a g passage, I wanted to make a different
as you can see there are four context (one with the eights, and one for
of the quarter notes below). But, in these contexts, I want a dotted
half note for
c, a dotted quarter note for d and a final normal quarter note for the
These notes have to be overlayed over the eighth (just as happen for
quarter notes that have the same head of a eighth). Instead, lily shifts

the different-duration notes to right, making an ugly effect.
This is because I've used normal quarter notes for the other contexts.
7) from 9 to end: generally, I'd want higher beams in beamed groups and
a better slur
handling (they often go over notes, fingering...).

Anyway, my tests was made with lilypond 1.3.74. Tomorrow I'll recompile
the same with
the new version and let you know what is the result...

Bye, Romaz
R o m a z  ~  z A m 0 r / L R
   welcome to my world...


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