On Monday, 21 August 2000, Han-Wen Nienhuys writes:
> > Something simply has to be done about lily's speed!
> From your perspective, yes. From my perspective, `simply' is not the
> operative word.
> To begin: I think the main problem with LilyPond is not its speed
> (although that may contribute. You did compile with --enable-optimize,
> right?)  but the amount of memory it is using.

Han-Wen's probably right here.  However, in 1.3.60 fixes were made
to reduce memory footprint, and improve speed with (snapshots of
pre-) guile-1.4.  Recent changes in .73 and .74 have slowed Lily
down again by a factor of 2.  I've spent quite some time looking
into this, but with little result.

So, your best bet is to use some version of lily between .60 and .72
with guile-1.4 (guile-1.4 has quite some speed improvements).  Or,
any version < .72 with guile-1.3.4.

However, you should really try to free as much memory as you can.
It is quite possible that if you free only a few MB, your score
processes x times as fast.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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