> I wrote:
> > 
> > I place the following at the start of my file:
> > 
> > \header{
> > filename = "elevy.ly";
> > title = "Concerto";
> > date = "1947";
> > composer = "Ernst Levy";
> > latexheaders = "\\input mydefs";
> > }
> > 
> > And mydefs.tex has
> > 
> > \font\dynamics=feta-din10
> > \def\molto{{\dynamics molto}}
> > 
> > Which results in the TeX complaining:
> > ------------------------------------


> Well, actually, it's pretty clear once you look at it, I'm embarrased
> to say. The original message is in error, at least for lilypond
> 1.3.80, and the syntax should be:
> latexheaders="mydefs";

Yes, I changed the behaviour recently to be more logical
(however, the original message was correct at the time
it was written).


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