Hi, I installed Lilypond for the first time this weekend, I have Win98, I
got Lily's version 1.3.46, I have TeX, LaTeX, the Geometry Package and
Python installed, but, when I tried to run Ly2dvi I get this:

ly2dvi angels
Traceback (innermost last):
 File: +ACI-C:+AFw-texmf+AFw-miktex+AFw-bin+AFw-bin+AFw-ly2dvi.py+ACI-, line 1167, in ?
  Prps +AD0- Properties()
 File: +ACI-C:+AFw-texmf+AFw-miktex+AFw-bin+AFw-bin+AFw-ly2dvi.py+ACI-, line 467, 
  this.rcfile() +ACM- Read initialization file(s)
 File: +ACI-C:+AFw-texmf+AFw-miktex+AFw-bin+AFw-bin+AFw-ly2dvi.py+ACI-, line 589, in 
  for d in +AFs-os.path.join(this.get('root'), 'ly'), +AFw-
 File: +ACI-C:+AFw-texmf+AFw-miktex+AFw-bin+AFw-Lib+AFw-ntpath.py+ACI-, line 44, in 
  elif path +AD0APQ- '' or path+AFs--1:+AF0- in '/+AFwAXA-' :
TypeError: unsliceable object

Thank you in advance


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