
I'm wondering if there's a way to get lily to "fill" the page
right down to the bottom margin.  I'm outputting on 8.5x11in
with ly2dvi -p letter.  The offset at the top of the page seems
to be about 1/2 inch, which is fine.  The left and right margins
are also 1/2 inch, and those are fine, too.  But the offset from
the bottom of the page wanders all over the place.  Depending on
the number of systems/staves lily figures she can put on a page, it
varies from 1/2 inch to 2-3/4 inches!  If I want my scores to
look good (and naturually I do, or I wouldn't be using lily :) )
I have to be able to expand the space between systems (most
of my music is piano or piano/vocal) so that the last one on a
"short" page doesn't leave a gaping hole at the bottom.  In
other words, "fill" the page by dividing the leftover space at
the bottom equally between systems.

If this is something that can only be done in TeX, could someone
please give me (or point me toward) very precise instructions?
I know next to nothing about TeX, being a groff afficianado.
Peter Schaffter
15, chemin Brunette, RR2 CP 406
Ste-Cécile-de-Masham (Québec)

A confirmed GNU/Linuxer. Sorry, I don't do Windows.

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