> Hello,
> I just installed Lilypond and tried out the "Angels" example. The process
> breaks and I have several questions.

Which version of Lilypond did you install? I notice from your
questions below that you use Windows.

> First, when I invoke the lilyshell, I get an ordinary DOS-box with a
> standard prompt (C:\Windows>). Should I get a percent sign (%) prompt?

No, lilyshell is just an ordinary DOS shell with some extra
variables set.

> Second, I get an error message which says: angels.lyerror: incorrect mudela
> version: 1.3.42 (1.1.52, 1.20). Since I did a regular installation and I
> assume that the correct pieces are there, what is happening here?

It means that your example file was made for another version of
Lilypond than you have installed. Lilypond and the input format
has changed considerably during the development.

> Finally, the output in the DOS-box says: ly2dvi, hmm, I could not find an
> output file name. Any thoughts on this?

This is just an indication that something went wrong earlier.


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