I'm attempting to do an incipit, with information about the original
clef and the range of the part.  I'm having a couple of problems:

Here's my test file:

\header {
        composer = "Thomas Morley";
        title = "I. See, Myne Owne Sweet Jewell\\\\Cantus";
voicedefault = \notes {
\property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\property Score.defaultBarType="empty"
\property Staff.fontSize = -2 
\clef "soprano"; \property Staff.TimeSignature \push #'style = #"C"
\time 4/4;
\bar ".|";
\property Staff.fontSize = 0
\property Staff.fullSizeChanges = ##t
\clef treble;
%\property Voice.stem = \push *'length = #0
\property Voice.stemLength = #0
\property Staff.fontSize = -2 
<g'4 g''4>
\property Staff.fontSize = 0
%\property Voice.stem = \pop #'length
\property Voice.stemLength = #7
% %gchordfont Helvetica 12 box
 \key c \major; \property Staff.TimeSignature \push #'style = #"C"
 \time 4/4; % 1
     b'1    b'2    d''4    c''2    b'4    a'2    b'2    r4   d''4    d''4    
        \notes <
        \context Staff="default"

        \paper {
        \midi {}

<bug report>
I tried:
\clef "C1";

and it printed a treble clef, instead of a C clef on the first line.

<bug report>
\property Staff.fullSizeChanges = ##t
\clef treble;

This doesn't seem to be causing the treble clef to be full size.

<bug report>
When I try to push and pop the Voice.stem lenth property, I get a
syntax error:

incipit.ly:15:28: error: parse error:
\property Voice.stem = \push
                             *'length = #0

incipit.ly:15:37: error: Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics:

<bug report>
I attempted to verify that this wasn't user error by processing the
les-nereides.ly, which is where I got the syntax from, but I got an
error on that before it even gets to the stem popping and pushing:
executing: lilypond  les-nereides.ly 2>&1
GNU LilyPond 1.3.99.
Now processing: `les-nereides.ly'
0* ifndef

ERROR: In expression ifndef:
ERROR: Unbound variable: ifndef
ly2dvi: LilyPond failed: lilypond  les-nereides.ly 2>&1

So then I used:

\property Voice.stemLength = #0
<g'4 g''4>

<possible bug report; otherwise question>
This still prints a stem between the two notes of the range.  I'd
rather have two quarter notes with no stem at all.

I have:

\bar ".|";
\property Staff.fontSize = 0
\property Staff.fullSizeChanges = ##t
\clef treble;

Shouldn't the treble clef happen after the bar?  It happens before it.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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