Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I guess that the warning is wrong and should say
>  \property Thread.NoteHead \push #'style = #'baroque
> but when I try that syntax, nothing happens.

Strange, see below

> I thought I understood how to use this new property
> mechanism, but apparently I don't.
> Han-Wen and Jan, can you help us, for example by 
> updating the different example files such as
> input/test/, to the new syntax.
> I must say that I don't understand much of the 
> new backend documentation either.

We'll include this (which seems to work with 99.hwn2.jcn2) in 100:

\score { \notes \relative c{
% anyone wanna pop?
c''4 c2 c8  c16 c16 c1 c\breve 
\property Voice.NoteHead \push #'style = #'diamond
c4 c2 c8  c16 c16  c1 c\breve
\property Voice.NoteHead \push #'style = #'transparent
c4 c2 c8  c16 c16  c1 c\breve
\property Voice.NoteHead \push #'style = #'cross
c4 c2 c8  c16 c16  c1 c\breve
\property Voice.NoteHead \push #'style = #'mensural
c4 c2 c8  c16 c16  c1 c\breve c\longa
\property Voice.NoteHead \push #'style = #'harmonic
c4 c2 c8  c16 c16  c1 c\breve
\property Voice.NoteHead \push #'style = #'baroque
c4 c2 c8  c16 c16  c1 c\breve c\longa

   \context Voice <
    \context Thread = TA
        \property Thread.NoteHead \push #'style = #'cross
        \property Voice.Stem \push #'direction = #1
    \context Thread = TB
      { \property Thread.NoteHead \push #'style = #'default a16  }
    \context Thread = TC
      { \property Thread.NoteHead \push #'style = #'mensural d16 }

   \context Voice <\context Thread = TA {
   \property Thread.NoteHead \push #'style = #'default
   c4 c4 }
\context Thread = TB {
   \property Thread.NoteHead \push #'style = #'mensural
  c'4 \stemDown c
} >


    \paper {
\version "1.3.96"; 

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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