On 7 Nov 2000, Laura Conrad wrote:

>     Timothy>  Just the other day, I saw a song with three verses,
>     Timothy>  and in one verse,
>     Timothy> two words were on the same note, so the typesetter had
>     Timothy> put a slur underneath them :).
> So you think the bug is that lily doesn't do that when I write:
>          (a- las) 
> in lyrics mode?

        Well, I guess, but since I have no use for the feature just now, I
don't care if it isn't added until version 12.3.45.  

        While I'm posting, instead of lurking, let me again thank Jan,
Han-Wen, Mats, and all the rest (sorry I can't mention you all by name) who
are working on Lilypond, answering questions, and all that :).  Thanks
particularly for fixing the Lyrics alignment (this is a few versions back),
which was the main feature I wanted in version 1.3.x


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I am                           |
Web: Temporarily unavailable

Version 3.1
GCS d? s: a-- C++>++++$ US+ P++ L++ E- W+++ N+ w+> M-- V- Y+>++ 
PGP->++ R(+) !tv B++ DI++++ D+ G e>++ h!/* y-

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