> Hi,
> after a few hours scanning the manual, mail archives etc. I'm still
> having trouble getting lily to output a rather large score in landscape.
> I know there's been some talk of this earlier (Sept), but that was in
> relation to use within latex. Is there a way to get a4 landscape output
> directly from 'ly2dvi'?
> Some things I have already tried:
> 1) ly2dvi -L   -- didn't seem to have much effect
> 2) \paper { papersize="a4"; orientation="landscape"; }  -- again no
> discernable difference
> 3) \paper { textheight = 190.0\mm;    linewidth = 285.0\mm; } -- score is
> right size, but gets cropped onto portrait a4 in xdvi, or is strangely
> offset with 'xdvi -paper a4r'
> Presumably I'm missing the point somewhere along the line. Is there some
> different paper size definition required, or some other easy trick?

It seems that the support for landscape mode in ly2dvi doesn't 
work correctly, as you have noticed. 
Getting landscape involves at least two different problems:
- Telling Lilypond to generate score lines of the correct length.
- Telling latex to format the paper (the job of ly2dvi).

For the first step, your alternative 3) is the correct route. 
As you have noticed, the flag '-L' of ly2dvi doesn't give any 
effect. For the moment, I think the easiest solution (except
for hacking in ly2dvi) is to make a file global.tex containing
the single line


and then add a line 


in the \header section of your Lilypond file. 
(I haven't tested this myself).
Hopefully, this will tell LaTeX to use the correct
paper size. However, you may still have to convince
dvips to get the correct output. Note that the printed
result may look correct even if both xdvi and ghostview
provide strange output. 


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