Trying to process old .lys, I got the following
error. Here are the .ly and the LOG file.

This was the most I could isolate. The error seems
to happen on RH.

Last successful processing: 1.3.105 (Not sure however).

Paulo da Silva
\header {
        composer = "Paul Zilcher";
        title = "Promenade";
        subtitle = "(SPAZIERGANG)";
%       arranger = "";
        enteredby = "Paulo da Silva";
        tagline = "";

      Entered by Paulo da Silva, 2000

\version "1.3.102";

papersize = "a4"
\include ""
% \include ""
\include ""

global = \notes {
        \key fa \major;
        \time 2/4;
%       \tempo 4=100;           OBSOLETO
%       \bar "|.";
%       s2.* 80

LHInstr = "Piano ME"
RHInstr = "Piano MD"

RH = \notes \sequential {
        \context Voice \sequential {
                <{<fa'4^1^3 la'> fa'8^1_. fa'^2_.}
                 {s4 \> \! s16 s16 \< s8}> |
                <\! mi'4^1^5 do''> sol'8_. sol'_. |
     \bar "|.";

LH = \notes \sequential {
        \context Voice \sequential {
                <{\stemDown [la8 do la do] \stemBoth}
                 {s4_" "_" "\sustaindown s8. s32 s32\sustainup}> |
                <{\stemDown [sib8 do sib do] \stemBoth}
                 {s4_" "_" "\sustaindown s8. s32 s32\sustainup}> |

     \bar "|.";

\score {
        \context PianoStaff <
         \context Staff = treble <
                \property Staff.instrument = \RHInstr
                \property Staff.instr = " "
                % \property Staff.timeSignatureStyle = "C"
                \property Grace.verticalDirection = #1
         \context Staff = bass <
                \clef "F";
                \property Staff.instrument = \LHInstr
                \property Staff.instr = " "
                \property Staff.noVoltaBraces = ##t
                % \property Staff.timeSignatureStyle = "C"
                \property Grace.verticalDirection = #1
        \paper {        linewidth = 17.0\cm;
                        \translator  {
                                minVerticalAlign = 2.5*\staffheight;
                        \translator {
                                \consists Instrument_name_engraver;
        \midi { \tempo 4 = 100; }
ly2dvi (GNU LilyPond) 1.3.108
executing: lilypond 2>&1
GNU LilyPond 1.3.108.
Now processing: `'
Interpreting music...[3]
Preprocessing elements... 
Calculating column positions... 
paper output to Bug6.tex...programming error: Improbable offset for translation: 
setting to zero (Continuing; cross thumbs)
warning: can't find ascii character 127
ERROR: In procedure ly-number->string in expression (map ly-number->string l):
ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 1: +#.#
ly2dvi: LilyPond failed: lilypond 2>&1
This is dvips(k) 5.86 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software (
dvips: ! DVI file can't be opened. No such file or directory

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