I had to do some changes to get lilypond-book to work in .118. The patch
is attached. Can you either apply this patch (not tested very much, but
it works for lilypond.texi, lilypond-book.texi and
latex-lilypond-example.latex) or fix the script?

If no-one disagree, I will make a patch to allow more whitespace in the
regexes is lilypond-book.py . Laura Conrad suggested fixing
lilypond-book to allow

        \lilypondfile {filename.ly}
                     ^ - note the whitespace
to work, and I want to fix the other commands in a similar way.
Tom Cato Amundsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GNU Solfege - free eartraining, http://www.gnu.org/software/solfege/


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