Hello Wolfgang,

On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 12:31:42PM +0100, Wolfgang Schnitker wrote:
> I'm just testing to compile the new unstable version of lilypond .120.
> But I'm very unhappy :-(((
> Like I'm told in the README it should be able to compile with 
> dpkg-buildpackage.
> Then I've a look at the debian unstable's directory and as I see, you 
> compiled Version 1.3.119 successfully. 

Yes, I compiled it on unstable.  :-)

> When I'm running at .120, I get the error that it is the source from .119 and 
> during the building run it stops at the first Pythonscript to build up the 
> documentation/usr.

Yes, you'll need to fix debian/changelog before starting a build.
Time to read up on Debian's dpkg package building documentation!
(in task-debian-devel)

> Please give me a hint, what's going wrong!

I have updated INSTALL.texi (and INSTALL.txt) to include more instruction
on building your very own Debian package.  (Yes, Han-wen and Jan, I'll send
you the patch soon.)

You may still want to read up on the Debian Packaging Manual etc. to see
what is going on though. And, if you don't mind waiting, I am trying to
build 1.3.121 on my Debian 2.2r2 machine now, and I will upload
lilypond1.3_1.3.121-0potato1 to


when I am done.  :-)

Debian GNU/Linux

   A Debian package is also available.  You may install it easily by
using apt-get as root:

        apt-get install lilypond1.3

   Alternatively, visit

   * http://packages.debian.org/lilypond

   * http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/l/lilypond1.3/
     (http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/l/lilypond1.3/) for latest
     package uploaded to Debian unstable;

   * http://people.debian.org/~foka/lilypond/
     (http://people.debian.org/~foka/lilypond/) for latest
     semi-unofficial build of LilyPond 1.3.121 for Debian 2.2r2
     (potato) users.  The official stable Debian 2.2r2 is stuck with
     the old LilyPond-1.3.24.

   You may contact Anthony Fok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for more information.

   The build scripts are in the subdirectory `debian/'; you can make
the .deb by doing, for example:

        tar xzf lilypond-1.3.122.tar.gz
        cd lilypond-1.3.122
        dch -p -v 1.3.122-0.local.1 "Local build."
        dpkg -i ../lilypond1.3_1.3.122*.deb

   For compilation on a Debian GNU/Linux system you need these packages,
in addition to the those needed for running:

   * g++, cpp, libc6-dev, libstdc++<your-libstdc++-version-here>-dev

   * libguile<your-libguile-version-here>-dev

   * make, m4, flex, bison

   * gettext

   * groff, texinfo, bibtex2html (not in 2.2r2)

   * tetex-base, tetex-bin, tetex-extra, libkpathsea-dev or tetex-dev

   * dpkg-dev, debhelper, fakeroot

   * gs, netpbm, pnmtopng

   Most of these are listed on the Build-Depends line in the
debian/control file.  To ensure the creation of the lilypond deb is
trouble-free, we recommend that you first install the following packages
before starting dpkg-buildpackage by running apt-get as root.

   For Debian 2.2 (or 2.2r2, 2.2r3):

        apt-get install task-debian-devel task-c++-dev \
                python-base libguile6-dev tetex-bin tetex-dev \
                tetex-extra flex bison texinfo groff gs \
                netpbm pnmtopng m4 gettext

   For Debian in development ("unstable", the future 2.3 or 3.0):

        apt-get install task-debian-devel task-c++-dev \
                python-base libguile9-dev tetex-bin libkpathsea-dev \
                tetex-extra flex bison texinfo bibtex2html groff gs \
                netpbm pnmtopng m4 gettext

Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]    University of Alberta, Canada
   Debian GNU/Linux Chinese Project -- http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://www.olvc.ab.ca/

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