On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:

> > I think the original poster was asking about how to not have to type
> > in the hyphenations.
> Since traditionally lines of poetry end with commas and verses end with
> periods, this should not be difficult, in English anyway, as long as the
> commas and periods are present in their proper places in the score.

        Not in all these :).  The punctuation is what the original translator
wanted (these are translated from Hebrew :) ), but some stanzas end in the
middle of a sentence, for example :).  

> While I'm sure someone will want dashes in his lyrics, that is certainly
> very unusual. This seems to me to be perfectly reasonable and desirable
> as a feature, but of course I'm not the guy that's doing it. :-)
> If I am wrong, I imagine that the original poster is getting very
> frustrated by now....

        Well, more fascinated by the three different interpretations of what I
wrote :).  Laura was the one who I think understood me best.  She wrote: 

> I think the original poster was asking about how to not have to type
> in the hyphenations.  Given the TeX algorithm for deciding how to
> hyphenate words is so good, why should we have to tell it the
> hyphenation points, when it probably knows better then we do?

        That's exactly it.  What I'd *really* like is some way to do something

cat verses.txt | tex-hyphenate > verses_hyphenated.txt

        where "tex-hypenate" is something I just made up to represent that I
want the TeX engine to do the hyphenation.  

        However, if I can't find anything like that, I'll just type the
hyphens in, and then strip them out later if I don't need them.  

        Thanks to those who tried to help :).  

| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I am                           |
Web: Temporarily unavailable

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