> Hello,
>       I have some problems in compiling the tex files produced by lilypond.
> In particular, I'm told that sometimes this, sometimes that file are not found,
> when I digit
> latex filename.tex
> or
> tex filename.tex
> I saw that there is some confusion because the names of the files do not have
> any extension, while in the directories every file to be included has some
> extension.

tex/latex automatically adds the .tex extension, so that's no problem.

> How can I compile tex files produced by lilypond ?

The easiest solution is to use ly2dvi, which automatically adds
page numbers and a header with title, composer, ... 

If you want to process the tex output of Lilypond directly, you 
should use tex, not latex. Also, see to it that the TEXINPUTS
environment variable is set correctly such that tex finds the
lilypond header files. This may be done automatically, depending 
on how you installed Lilypond. Otherwise the distribution includes
the files lilypond-login (for (t)csh) and lilypond-profile (for (ba)sh)
which sets all the variables you need. 


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