> Please check with the Lilypond INSTALL file that you have the
> correct versions of all the necessary programs. For this 
> specific problem, you should check your installation of Python.

> Since the Lilypond version you are trying is so old (1.2.17),
> it may even happen that your system is too new, but the opposite
> problem is more common. Anyway, you might consider to install
> the most recent development version of Lilypond (1.3.122) since
> many things have improved since 1.2.17. Note that some of the
> 1.3.x versions have had (and will have) stability problems, but
> for the latest versions, the number of bugs has been small.
> You can find RPM:s at the www.lilypond.org if you don't want
> to build it yourself.

Thank you very much: I didn.t know that the version 1.2.17 was a very old one.
I think it is better for me to do as you suggest, to take the newest one,
perhaps many of the problems will disappear.

Your previous advice worked: tex files generated by lilypond compiled, and I
could see some .dvi, at last.

But there is another question: I tryed to digit

lilypond lamu.mid

where lamu.mid is a midi file that I took from Internet, and I couldn't obtain
a .ly file. I don't know what it depends on, but I'll try with the new version,
as soon as I'll have it installed, to see if the poblems persists (I'll try
with other midi files, of course).


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