I'm running 1.3.124 and I was wondering if someone could help me with
the following questions:

1. Sometimes when I typset some music, the first note is too close
   (almost touching) to the time signature.  What's a simple way to
   add some space at that point?  This seems to happen only on lines
   with a lot of music, so I can get around this by adding a \break to
   split the line in half, but I was wondering if there was a better

2. I'm using things like:

     restShiftUp = \property Voice.Rest \override #'staff-position = #4

   to play with rest location.  It works fine, but lily gives me the
   following warning:

     warning: Can't find property type-check for `staff-position'.
     Perhaps you made a typing error?

   Should I worry?

3. How do I escape curly braces ("{", "}") when passing strings to
   TeX?  For example, I'd like to do something like:

     piece = "This {\sl is} a test.";

4. Finally, I'm having trouble using \mark when, and only when, I
   \include "paper23.ly" or \include "paper26.ly".  In other words,
   \mark works fine if I use other paper sizes.  With those, I get
   errors like:

     paper output to 24012001.tex...warning: can't find font: `cmr14'
     warning: Loading default font
     0* [Axis_group_interface::group_extent_callback #<Grob LineOfScore >
     1* [Side_position::aligned_side #<Grob RehearsalMark > 1]
     2* [Grob::molecule_extent #<Grob RehearsalMark > 1]
     3* [Text_item::brew_molecule #<Grob RehearsalMark >]
     4* cmr-alist

     ERROR: In expression cmr-alist:
     ERROR: Unbound variable: cmr-alist
     ly2dvi: LilyPond failed: lilypond  24012001 2>&1


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