Bernd Warken wrote:
> David Chan wrote:
> > [BTW Mutopia is not an official GNU project, though Lilypond is].
> Then, why should I contribute to Mutopia?
Nobody's saying you have to. I'd be sad if you felt unable to
contribute to Mutopia just because of licensing problems, but I hope
these can eventually be resolved. If you want to get some lawyers
together and create a copyleft license suitable for use with music,
then go ahead. :-)
> It shouldn't be too hard to make it a GNU project.
Why should we? I'm not a religious follower of copyleft/the GPL, and
would not be in favour of making Mutopia a GNU project, as apart from
anything else I think they'd make us copyleft everything. Don't get me
wrong - I don't mind people placing music on Mutopia under a suitable
copyleft license (if one is ever created), but I wouldn't like the
whole of Mutopia to go this way.
Chris Sawer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mutopia Maintainer
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