The following fragment was converted from lilypond 1.2.17 where it worked fine. In 1.3.129 (actually I have seen it for some time in 1.3) the lyrics get run together. My quick tests indicate that the where I wish to print an underscore, it does not seem to include it in the string length which causes problems where the spacing is controlled by the lyrics. Also I see the message "warning: FIXME: key change merge", is this a lilypond problem or an input syntax problem? Regards, Roy Rankin
t_notes = \notes \relative c' { \property Staff.instrument = "Tenor" \property Staff.instr = "T" \property Staff.midiInstrument = "trombone" \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C \property Voice.automaticMelismata = ##t \property Voice.DynamicLineSpanner \override #'direction = #1 \key d \major; \time 4/4; \clef "G_8"; \key g \major; \time 2/4; % 20 r4^"2" g8. fis16 | \time 4/4; g8. fis16 g8. a16 b4 ([) a8. () b32 () a32 ]| g2. c8. c16 | c2 r8. b16 c8. d16 | e4 ([) d8. () e32 () d32 ] c2 | \break } t_lyric = \lyrics { Em ca- "da\_es-" qui "na\_um" a- mi- go, em ca- da ros- "to\_i-" gual- da- de. } \score { < \addlyrics \context Staff="T" { \t_notes } \context Lyrics="T" < {\t_lyric } > > \paper { font_normal = 12.; \translator { \HaraKiriStaffContext \consists Bar_number_engraver; noAutoBeaming = ##t; } } }