>>>>> "Olivier" == Olivier  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Olivier> I've solved your proble just by using a slur and not a
    Olivier> tie ... Ok it's a liottle bit dirty.

This looks good.  Is there a reason why ties don't do this?

    Olivier> As usual I don't understand anything to the source code.

This is one of my problems with lily, too.

    Olivier> Why

    Olivier> \property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
    Olivier> Left_edge_item
    Olivier> Span_bar
    Olivier> Breathing_sign
    Olivier> Staff_bar
    Olivier> Clef_item
    Olivier> Key_item
    Olivier> time_signature
    Olivier> )

This causes the incipit I eventually want to add to print the things
in the right order.  I think it was Mats who provided the magic words --
I don't really understand them either.  Another good effect is that
one of my pieces has a structure AABB, with the B section having a
different key signature from the A section, and before I put this in,
I would get the key signature before the repeat sign instead of after.

    Olivier> \property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t

This is because I'm setting renaissance music, where accidentals don't
persist until the next bar line, even if there are any barlines, which
there usually aren't.  So what this line means is that if I have an
F#, and then another F# before the next barline (which I may have no
idea where it is, because it's probably "empty", see below), both of
them are printed with a sharp on them.

    Olivier> \property Voice.NoteHead \override  #'style = #'baroque

This means that when I set a Breve, it comes out as a square whole
note instead of a whole note with short lines on either side.  This is 
the common practice when typesetting "early" music.

    Olivier> \property Score.defaultBarType="empty"

This is so I can use the same number of barlines (not very many) in my
transcription as are in the originals I'm transcribing from.  The line
breaks happen on the "empty" barlines, which is usually what I want,
but only barlines I enter explicitly get printed.

    Olivier> And I see, in the header a lot of who are not printed on
    Olivier> the score page, why

I'm using abc2ly to convert information I originally entered in ABC.
abc2ly puts all the ABC header information into the lilypond header.
I will eventually write the TeX to get some of it onto a page, but
meanwhile it's at least harmless, and sometimes helpful if you're
looking at the .ly file.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
http://www.laymusic.org : Putting live music back in the living room.

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