> > Sorry, It is possibly better known as "E-Z Play" as in the books that Hal
> > Leonard publishing puts out. URL to a an example
> > http://www.halleonard.com/images/musicnotation.pdf sorry it's a pdf, top of
> > 2nd page "e-z play today". Not a very good example and I don't have
> > anything here that dad has done. Let me know if you need more information
> > than this, and I can get a sheet they have done to send on.
> There are some technical details, eg. the stafflines must not
> interfere with the letters in the noteheads, that make it look
> difficult to implement, but it should not be impossible. However,
> there has to be a volunteer to do the work.
And I am such a sucker. I was sitting at my desk, thinking about that
80 year old man, and getting all soft and runny. Despite my rigorous
no-new-features-we're-stabilizing mode, I succumbed for the increased
karma that this hack would give. Anyway, it was less than 1 hour of
work, most of which consisting of figuring out how the Postscript arc
command works without doco.
This will be available in 1.3.133. Caveats:
* You need to set up special page sizes, and use dvips to blow up the
output, because 26 pt staff size is still too small.
* No handling of sharps and flats (i'm not sure if that's required.)
* The staff-lines show through the letters. If you're a clever
hacker, maybe you can devise a real solution for this. Otherwise:
you may want to fiddle with the offsets of the text (see ps.scm,
the ez-ball function)
* I'm not sure whether using LilyPond beta's (or stable versions for
that matter) is something your 80 year old father is up to.
Han-Wen Nienhuys | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/
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