> I managed to put a RhythmicStaff below the melody staff which contains
> the numbers as they should appear. Now I have a few things missing:
> 1. How to make the one bar in the RhythmicStaff is thick for some
>    measures or even just for some notes? Maybe r2 could be used if it
>    wasn't centered?

That would involve some seriously weird tricks or some C++ hacking ;
the easiest would be to write some kind of note_head_engraver like
thing that produces thick line spanners during some time. You can look
at multi-measure-rest-engraver for inspiration.

> 2. I don't need the repeat volta in the RhythmicStaff. Ok I managed to
>    make it invisible (with \property RhythmicStaff.VoltaBracket
>    \override #'transparent = ##t). However it still takes up a lot of
>    space. How can I avoid this?

try RhythmicStaff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff

> 3. I would like the bars to span the melody and the RhythmicStaff. How
>    can I do that?

make sure that both are in the same StaffGroup
> 4. Lastly, the source code contains some scm and ly files for
>    Accordions but the documentation doesn't mention anything. Has
>    there been other efforts to use Lilypond for diatonic accordion
>    music?

You'd have to to ask Tom Cato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (I believe he worked on
the accordion notation).


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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