----------  Message transmis  ----------
Subject: Re: smart transpose
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 13:52:03 +0200
From: Olivier Guéry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Rune Zedeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Le Mardi 24 Avril 2001 11:37, vous avez écrit :
> Olivier Guéry wrote:
> >         OK, I was thinking that  "make-pitch" chage something but I does
> > not understood what the three numbers are about.
> The first number is the octave. 0 is the octave beginning with central c,
> -1 is the octave below, etc.
> The second number is the pitch. 0 is c, 1 is d, etc... 6 is b.
> The third number is the accidental. 0 is no accidental, -1 is b, -2 is bb,
> 1 is #, 2 is double-#.
> So (make-pitch 1 4 -1) makes the pitch ges''.
> (this one:
>    |\       |
>    |/ ___b_O_
>   /|  _______
>  / |_ _______
> | /| \_______
>  \_|_/_______
>  *_|
> )

        It's so simple when you know the trick :o)
        Is this in the documentation ?

PS :  I'm OK to award Rune for the best ASCSI score drawer. (sometime, it
seem's that he (or she ? I don't know what's gender Rune first name is...
sorry) don't need lily !!!


Olivier Guéry   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Olivier Guéry   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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