Stephen Peters writes:
 > Mark Hindley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > Some of the PDF output routines have got out of sync with the other
 > > TeX macors.  [...] I am not convinced that all the ps to pdf
 > > conversions are right though. Has anybody been using it?
 > You're right, they're not still in sync.  I've been playing with it a
 > bit, and getting ready to release a different version sometime soon
 > which incorporates some of the changes, and moves more of the PDFTeX
 > output routines to the Scheme level where they belong.
Where are you up to? Do you want some help?

One thing I have got stuck with is the feta*.pfa fonts. If you try to
use them to produce PDF with decent screen output they cause a buffer
overflow in pdf{la}tex. Are they really Type 1? I have just got a copy
of the spec, but haven't waded through it yet.


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