I've had complaints from people who play from my printouts, which I
think are justified, that the whole rest takes up too much of the
space between lines.  This looks particularly bad in the attached
file, where the whole rest seems to be much "larger" than the adjacent
\breve rests.

#(set! point-and-click line-location)
#(set! point-and-click line-location)
\header {
        composer = "John Dowland"
        crossRefNumber = "1"
        footnotes = "\\\\(1)Rest is editorial."
        origin = "From The First Booke of songs or Ayres of foure parts, with 
Tableture for the Lute"
        tagline = "Lily was here 1.4.0 -- automatically converted from ABC"
        title = "IIII. If my complaints\\\\Bassus"
wordsdefaultVA = \lyrics  {
If my com-  plaints could pas-  sions move,   _  
or make love see  _  where-  _  in I suf-  fer wrong:   
O love, I live and  die in thee, thy griefe thy   
griefe in my deepe sighes still speakes:   
and when I hope, thou makst, thou makst, me   hope in vaine.  
wordsdefaultVB = \lyrics  {
My pas-  sions were e-  nough to prove,   _  
that my de-  spaires  _  had  _  go-  vernd mee too long.    
Thy wounds doe fresh-  ly  bleed in mee, my heart my  
heart for thy un-  kind-  nesse breakes:   
yet for re-  dresse, thou letst, thou letst, me   still com-  plaine.  
wordsdefaultVC = \lyrics  {
Can love be rich, and yet I want? _  
Thou plen-  ty hast,  _  yet  _  me  _  dost scant:  _   
That I do live, it is thy power: If love, if love, doth  
make mens lives too sowre,  That you that of my fall, my fall may  
hear-  ers be  
wordsdefaultVD = \lyrics  {
Is love my Judge,_and yet I am con-  demnd? 
Thou made a God,  _  and  _  yet thy power con-  temnd.  
That I de-  sire it is thy worth: Let me, let me,  not  
love, not live hence-  forth.  I was more true to love, to love, than  
love to me.  
voicedefault = \notes {
\property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
\property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t
\property Voice.NoteHead \override  #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
\property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t
\property Voice.NoteHead \override  #'style = #'baroque
\property Score.defaultBarType="empty"

\property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'1style
\property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'1style
\time 3/2 % %MIDI transpose -24
 % %MIDI nobarlines
 \key g \dorian \clef bass
   \repeat volta 2 {   g,2    g,2    g,2    g,1.    g,2    bes,2    ees2    d2. 
   c4      b,2    c2    a,1    g,4.    a,8    bes,4    c4    d2    ees!2    d2  
  d2    g,1.    } \repeat volta 2 {     d2    d2    c2    bes,1    ees2    g2   
 f1    bes,1.    bes,2    a,2    d2      g,2    g2.    g4    f2    ees!2.    e4 
   d1.    } \repeat volta 2 {     r\breve   r\breve     r1 ^"\large\bf \large\bf (1)"  
 bes,2    f2 
   d2    g4    g,4    bes,4    c4    d2    ees2      d2    d2    g,1.    }   
        \notes <

        \context Staff="default"

        \context Lyrics="default" 
          { \wordsdefaultVA }
          { \wordsdefaultVB }
          { \wordsdefaultVC }
          { \wordsdefaultVD }

        \paper {
        \midi {}

Is this user-configurable?

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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