On Fri, 25 May 2001, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

> > Help please,
> >
> > I installed lilypond-1.3.84-1.i386.rpm and it hung after printing:
> >
> > Parsing..
> >
> > So I uninstalled it and installed lilypond-1.2.17-1.i386.rpm and it prints out a 
>heap of junk after "Parsing" but STILL hangs.
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what's going on?
> Lilypond is one of these programs where it's really hard to
> do anything useful without looking at the user documentation.
> If you do that, you'll soon realize that Lilypond is far from
> WYSIWYG and that you first have to prepare a text file that

        There's a WYSIWYG interface called Denemo.

> describes the music you want to typeset. Then you call Lilypond
> with
> >> lilypond <file>.ly
> The ``hanging'' is simply Lilypond waiting for some reasonable input.
> There are lots of example files to try, included in the distribution.
> Look for a catalogue called input/test/, probably somewhere below
> /usr/doc/lilypond/ or /usr/share/doc/lilypond/ in the RPM.
> Secondly, I recommend that you try the new release 1.4.1 instead.
> It's available (both source code and RPM:s) at www.lilypond.org.

        If you can't find a link to Denemo there, and can't find Denemo by
websearching (use Google to search), then ask me, and I'll find the link


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I am                           |

Version 3.1
GCS d? s: a-- C++>++++$ US+ P++ L++ E- W+++ N+ w+> M-- V- Y+>++ 
PGP->++ R(+) !tv B++ DI++++ D+ G e>++ h!/* y-

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