Le Dimanche  3 Juin 2001 02:33, vous avez écrit :
> I've just downloaded lilypond, and installed it with guile1.4.
> But I can't do 'ly2dvi' on any lilypond files. All I get is parse
> errors.
> In the following 'firsttune.ly' is copy/pasted from your documentation
> example.
> What's wrong?
> $ lilypond firsttune.ly
> GNU LilyPond 1.4.2
> Now processing: `firsttune.ly'
> Parsing...
> firsttune.ly:6:22: error: parse error:
>             \time 3/4;
> firsttune.ly:23:18: error: parse error:
>         \bar "|.";
> firsttune.ly:27:28: error: parse error:
>        linewidth = 14.0 \cm;

You don't need all this ";" since 1.3.something version.
Remove them and it will probably work !
I think there's a script to do this automtically... but I can't remember his 

Olivier Guéry   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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