On Mon, Jun 04, 2001 at 10:00:01PM +0100, Chris Sawer wrote:
> Laurent Pelecq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I hope this is the right list to talk about the Mutopia project.
> It seems as good a place as any.
> > On the Mutopia site, it is told that a sheet of music is out of
> > copyright if the composer died more than 70 years ago and if the
> > editor himself died more than 70 years ago too (actually it seems that
> > it is 70 years plus war years).
> That's right. What do you mean by "plus war years"?

I was confused. This rule applies to copyright termination only.

> An interesting site which I hadn't encountered before, however the exact
> quote is:
> => Copyright Date Old Enough to Be in the Public Domain referred to as
> => "PD Copyright Date" on this web site:
> =>
> => United States and some other countries -  copyright notice of 1904 or
> => earlier           ^^^^
> Mutopia is a truly international project, and we can't restrict
> ourselves to the copyright laws of one particular country.

I was refering on this part:
=> International Copyright Law
=> GATT includes a section covering copyrights called the "Trade-Related
=> Aspects of Intellectual Property" (TRIPS).  [...]  Many countries
=>                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
=> provide 95 years copyright protection, [...]

But the rule seems to be that copyrights can't expire before 50
years. There is no maximum as far as I know. So for Mutopia it is

Thanks for your explanations.

Laurent Pelecq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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