>>>>> "Mats" == Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> I just had to squeeze more music onto a page, so I used the [11pt]
    >> option to \lilypondfile in lilypond-book.  It mostly looks ok (except
    >> that it's too small, but that isn't lily's fault), but the part with a
    >> G_8 clef has a normally 11 pt G clef, with a much larger 8 under it.

    Mats> Which Lilypond version? I couldn't repeat the problem in 1.4.2.

Sorry, I didn't describe the problem very well.  The problem 8 isn't
on the normal 11 pt. clef, but on the one in the incipit that's at an
even smaller size.  Attached is the example.

There are lots of warnings about the way I'm doing the font change; it
could be that if I figured out this month's correct way to do that, it
would work, but I suspect it's a bug.

\documentclass[12 pt,letter]{article}
\lilycontentsline{Arise, get up, my deere,}
\lilytitle{Arise, get up, my deere,}{ Cantus}
\composer{ Thomas Morley}
\lilytitle{Arise, get up, my deere,}{ Altus}
\composer{ Thomas Morley}
\lilytitle{Arise, get up, my deere,}{ Bassus}
\composer{ Thomas Morley}
\footnotetext{ The original has a cut time in the bassus, but C in altus and cantus, 
so I}
\footnotetext{ have treated this as an error.}
\footnotetext{(1) Original is f quarter note}
\footnotetext{(2) Original is an eighth note}
\footnotetext{(3) Original is a half note.}
#(set! point-and-click line-location)
\header {
        composer = "Thomas Morley"
        crossRefNumber = "1"
        footnotes = "\\\\The original has a cut time in the bassus, but C in altus and 
cantus, so I\\\\have treated this as an error.\\\\Original clef C on third line\\\\(1) 
Original is f quarter note\\\\(2) Original is an eighth note\\\\(3) Original is a half 
        origin = "Canzonets, or Little Short songs to three voyces, "
        tagline = "Lily was here 1.4.0 -- automatically converted from ABC"
        title = "Arise, get up, my deere,\\\\Bassus"
% incipit for bassus.abc
% written by writeincipit.sh on Fri Jun  8 14:55:03 EDT 2001
originalclef=\notes{\clef "mensural2_c3"}
firstnote=\notes{  f1    }
range=\notes{<d g'>}
modernclef=\notes{\clef "G_8"}
keysignature=\notes{\key f \major }
timesignature=\notes{\time 4/4  }
%incipit template /home/lconrad/incipit.ly 
incipit = \notes {
\property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'mensural
    \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'old
\bar "|"
% now draw modern clef and key signature in normal font
\property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.fontSize = #-1
\property Voice.fontSize = #-1
\property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##t
\property Staff.fontSize  = #0
\property Voice.fontSize = #0
\property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##f
\bar "|."
\context Staff \outputproperty #(make-type-checker 'clef-interface) #'full-size-change 
= ##t
\property Staff.forceClef = ##t

%end incipit

wordsdefaultVA = \lyrics  {
_ _ A-  rise, get up, my deere, get up, my deere 
love, rise make hast be-  gone  _  thee, lo wher the  
bride, lo wher the bride fayre Daph-  ne bright, wher the bride faire   
Daph-  ne  
bright still stayes on thee.  Hark, o hark you mer-  y mer-  y wan-  ton   
maid-  ens  
sque-  ling: spice cake sops in wine, spice cakes are a deal-  ing; spice  
cakes sops in wine, sops in wine are a deal-  ing, are a deal-  ing, Run then  
run a pace, run a pace then, run then run a pace, a  _  pace and get a bride  
lace; and a guilt Rose-  mar-  y brance the while yet ther is catch-  ing, and  
then hould fast for feare of old  snatch-  ing. A-  las, my love, my love, why  
weep  _  ye? O feare not, fear not that, deere love, the next day keep wee; List  
hark you Min-  strels, how fine they firck it? and how the maids jerk it, with  
Kate and Will, Tom and Gill; hey ho brave; now a skip, there a trip, fine-  ly  
set a loft, on a    fine wed-  ding wed-  ding day.  List hark you Min-  strells,  
how fine they firck it? and how the maydes jerk it? with Kate and Will,  
Tom and Gill, hey ho brave, now a skip, there a trip, fine-  ly sett a loft,  
all for fayre Daph-  nes,   Daph-  nes, wed-  ding, wed-  ding day.  
voicedefault = \notes {
\property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
\property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t
\property Voice.NoteHead \override  #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
\property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t
\property Voice.NoteHead \override  #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.Custos \override #'style = #'mensural
\property Score.defaultBarType="empty"
% %gchordfont Helvetica 12 box
 % %MIDI nobarlines
 \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C
 \time 4/4 % K:F
 \key f \major \clef "G_8"
 % %MIDI transpose -12
 % 1
   f1    c'2    c'2    d'2    d'2    e'2    c'2    f'1.    e'2    d'1      % 2
   c'2    f'2.    e'4    d'4    c'4    bes4    c'4    d'2    c'4    d'8    e'8  
    % 3
   f'2    d'4    e'8    f'8    g'4    f'4    e'4    d'4    c'4    d'8    e'8    
f'4    e'4      d'4    c'4      % 4
     bes4    c'4    d'2    c'1      f1 ^"\large\bf \large\bf A"   f'2.    d'4      
f'4. ^"(1)"   
e'8    d'8    c'8    bes8    c'8    d'4    ees'4      bes2.    c'4      % 5
   g2    c'\breve    r2   r4   c'4    d'4    f'4.    e'8    d'4    c'4    bes4  
  a4    f4    c'\breve    f2    r4   f4      % 6
   a4    c'4.    bes8    a4    g4    f4    bes2    c'4    g4    d'4    bes4    
f'4    g'4    d'2      g4 ^"\large\bf \large\bf B"   bes2    g2      % 7
   c'4.    bes8    a4    g4    f4    c'2    f2    f'2    d'2    g'4.    f'8    
e'8    d'8    c'4    g'4    e'4    f'4    c'4    g'2    % 8
\property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'1style
 \time 3/2   c'1    f'4    f'4    d'2    d'2    a4    a4    bes2.    bes4    f2 
   c'2    d'2    g2    c'2.    d'4    e'2    % 1r
   f'2    d'1    c'1    a2    bes2.    f4    c'2      \time 4/4   f2.    f4    
a1    a2    a2    d'2    cis'2    d'4    d4    % 2r
   f4    g4    a1    r4   a4    a4    a4    d'4.    c'8    bes4    f4    bes2   
 c'2    g4    a4    g2      c'4 ^"\large\bf \large\bf C"   c'4    % 3r
   f'4    e'4    f'4    c'4    r4   c'4    f'4    e'4    f'4    c'4    r4   c'4 
   a8.    bes16    c'4    f8    f8    f'4    % 4r
   d'8.    e'16    f'4    bes8.    c'16    d'4    ees'!4    bes4    d'4    a8.  
  bes16    c'4    g8.    a16    bes4    f8.    g16      % 5r
     a8    bes8    c'4    g8.    a16    bes4    a4    f4    c'4    c'4      f4 
^"\large\bf \large\bf D"   f4    f'4    e'4    f'4    c'4      % 6r
   r4   c'4    f'4    e'4    f'4    c'4    r4   c'4    a8.    bes16    c'4    
f8    f8    f'4    d'8.    e'16    f'4      % 7r
   bes8.      c'16 ^"\large\bf \large\bf (2)"   d'4    ees'!4    bes4    d'4    a8.    
bes16    c'4 
   g8.    a16    bes4    f8.    g16    a8    bes8    c'4      % 8r
   g8.    a16    bes4    a4    f4    bes4    g4    a2.    bes4        c'2. 
^"\large\bf \large\bf (3)"   c'4    f1 ^\fermata   \bar "|."   
        \notes <

        \context Staff="default"

        \context Lyrics="default" 
          { \wordsdefaultVA }

        \paper {
\consists Custos_engraver
}       }
        \midi {}

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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