OK. Here's what I had to do to get lily 1.4.3 working on my computer.
It's mostly bootjack mechanicism. I'll leave it to the people with some
experience to handle making patches and such.

I ripped everything out by its entrails: lily, gsview, miktex, the lot.
I had to do a fair amount of clean up, too: MikTeX had an entry in the
registry, for instance. Anyway, I did achieve something approaching a
virgin condition.

I installed the lily installation using setup. I downloaded the -2
version for Python, with the included python15.dll, and untarred that by

This left me in the position that I could create the .tex and midi files
with lilypond, but I couldn't get to .dvi. This turned out to be a
byproduct of the lily-miktek.sh in /etc/profile.d not working properly.
The $texmf wasn't appearing at the begining of the path-insert. Why? I'm
not sure. I cut and pasted it by hand, so that instead of a programmatic
path insert, it was hardcoded.

Now, MiKTeX would work, and latex was no longer a not-found!

That left me with .midi and .ps and .dvi. Yap displayed the .dvi just
fine, note heads, barlines, clef and all.

The .midi doesn't worry me too much, since mediaplayer hasn't changed. I
didn't bother to check it yet, and if I have trouble with it, I'll deal
with it later.

What about .ps, then? well, this was a deeper morass. I ended with the
same kind of problem, missing path for ghostview, and the settings wrong
in gsview32. To fix the first, I added the following line to the end of

and then, I had to run gsview32, cancel all the error messages, and from
the menu call up options/Advanced. In the top line, I set
c:\cgwin\usr\windows\gs\gs6.50\bin\gsdll32.dll, and I had to correct the
two include paths on the next line to point where the fonts and .ps
files really are.

Once these changes were in place, Lilypond 1.4.3 will take it's own
example-1.ly file through to .ps, .midi and .dvi files.

Now...I have to figure out what I need to do to make my old .ly's work.
Maybe Convert-ly is up to this...

<sound of insane giggling, receding into the basement...>


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