I'm having trouble getting the stanza numbers to print the way I want
them with the incipits.  I can get the numbers before the incipit, but
then there's a long break between the number and the start of the
lyrics to which it applies.  If I put the stanza property statement
after the "lyrics" for the incipit, the stanza numbers don't print at
all (see attached file).  Does anyone have any ideas about how to
solve this problem?

#(set! point-and-click line-location)
\header {
        composer = "John Dowland"
        crossRefNumber = "1"
        footnotes = "\\\\Original clef, C on first line"
        origin = "From The First Booke of songs or Ayres of foure parts, with 
Tableture for the Lute"
        tagline = "Lily was here 1.4.3 -- automatically converted from ABC"
        title = "X. Thinkst thou then by thy fayning\\\\Cantus"
% incipit for cantus.abc
% written by writeincipit.sh on Wed Jun 20 09:42:54 EDT 2001
originalclef=\notes{\clef "mensural2_c1"}
firstnote=\notes{  a'8    }
range=\notes{<d'4 d''4>}
modernclef=\notes{\clef "treble"}
keysignature=\notes{\key g \dorian }
timesignature=\notes{\time 4/4  }
incipitwords=\lyrics{ _ _ }
%incipit template /home/lconrad/incipit.ly 
incipit = \notes {
\property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'mensural
    \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'old
\bar "|"
% now draw modern clef and key signature in normal font
\property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.fontSize = #-1
\property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##t
\property Staff.fontSize \unset
\property Voice.Stem \revert #'transparent
\bar "|."
\context Staff \outputproperty #(make-type-checker 'clef-interface) #'full-size-change 
= ##t
\property Staff.forceClef = ##t

%end incipit

wordsdefaultVA = \lyrics  {
\property LyricsVoice . stanza = "1."
Thinkst thou then by thy fayn- ing sleepe  
with a proud  _  dis-  _  day-    ning,  To drive me from thy sight,   
when sleepe yeelds more de-  light,   such harm-  less beau-  tie gra-  cing.  
wordsdefaultVB = \lyrics  {
Or with thy craf-  ty clos-  ing Thy cru-  el eyes  _  re-  _  pos-  ing,  
And while sleepe fayn-  ed is,   may not I steale a kisse,  
Thy qui-  et armes em-  bra-  cing.  
wordsdefaultVC = \lyrics  {
\property LyricsVoice . stanza = "2."
 O that my sleepe dis- sem- bled, were  
to a trance  _   re-  _  sem-  bled,  Then should my love re-  quire  
Thy loves un-  kind de-  spite,  While fu-  ry tri-  umpht bold-  ly  
wordsdefaultVD = \lyrics  {
Thy cru-  ell eyes de-  cei-  ving, Of live-  ly sense  _  be-  _  reav-  ing:  
In beau-  ties sweet dis-  grace:  And livd in sweet em-  brace  
Of her that lov'd so cold-  ly.  
wordsdefaultVE = \lyrics  {
\property LyricsVoice . stanza = "3."
Should then my love as- pir- ing, For-  
bid-  den joyes  _  de-  _  sir-  ing,  No, Love seeke not thy blisse,  
Be-  yond a sim-  ple kisse:  For such de-  ceits are harme-  lesse,  
wordsdefaultVF = \lyrics  {
So farre ex-  ceed the due-  ty That ver-  tue owes  _  to _  beau-  tie?  
Yet kisse a thou-  sand fold.  For kis-  ses may be bold  
When love-  ly sleep is arme-  lesse.  
voicedefault = \notes {
\property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
\property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t
\property Voice.NoteHead \override  #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.Custos \override #'style = #'mensural
\property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
\property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t
\property Voice.NoteHead \override  #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.Custos \override #'style = #'mensural
\property Score.defaultBarType="empty"

\property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C
 \time 4/4 % %MIDI nobarlines
 \key g \dorian     \repeat volta 2 {   bes'4    bes'8    bes'8    bes'4    a'4 
   \bar "|"   g'2    fis'4    g'4    \bar "|"     a'8    bes'8    c''4.    
bes'8    g'8    a'8    bes'2    a'4    }     \repeat volta 2 {   d''4    c''4   
 d''4    bes'4.    bes'8    \bar "|"   a'4      d'4    e'4    f'4    \bar "|"   
g'4.    g'8    fis'4      g'4    a'8    bes'8    c''2    bes'4    \bar "|"   
a'2    g'4    }   
        \notes <

        \context Staff="default"
        {   \incipit

        \context Lyrics="default" 
        \context LyricsVoice = "default-1"      
          { \wordsdefaultVA }
          { \wordsdefaultVB }
        \context LyricsVoice = "default-2"      
          { \wordsdefaultVC }
          { \wordsdefaultVD }
        \context LyricsVoice = "default-3"      
          { \wordsdefaultVE }
          { \wordsdefaultVF }

        \paper {
\consists Custos_engraver
}          \translator{
\consists Custos_engraver
}       }
        \midi {}

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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