First off, thanks to all those who worked hard to produce Lily1.4, I've
yet to find something I can't typeset to my satisfaction.
Now, onto my question: does anyone around here have a reasonably
complete list of music symbols that can be typeset? To be specific I
need to typset things like turns and mordents with flats, sharps and
naturals above and below, such as:
| \ |
These things seem to crop up a fair bit in some heavily ornamented
scores. I managed to stack some sharps using eg.
g''4^#'(music "accidentals-1")^#'(music "accidentals-1")
but I couldn't find any information on how to get other symbols such as
flats, naturals, turns and mordents.
Is this the right way to go about it? Does anyone have a list of symbols
(maybe I'm not looking in the right part of the reference manual). If it
is possible to find the list somewhere in the sources I would be happy
to write an equivelent manual entry.
Thanks in advance.
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