> > 1. How do I turn off page numbering?  I used to be able to use -N to
> >    ly2dvi.  (That was broken for a while and someone gave me a patch
> >    to fix it, but now, ly2dvi --help doesn't even show -N.)
> If you read the ly2dvi manual, you'll find the solution:
> ly2dvi -s pagenumber=no file.ly

before posting, and just now, i looked at:

(in addition to other parts of the lily documentation)

but i couldn't find where it said that i could do "pagenumber=no" to
turn off page numbering.  (when i first read this page, i guessed that
you'd set the page number to a number representing the starting page
number or something.)  is there some other ly2dvi documentation i
don't know about?

in any case, i figured out how to do it by looking at the ly2dvi
source and seeing that "no" was a pagenumber value that it checked

> > 2. My second "alternative" in a repeat needs a clef change at the
> This is specified by the breakAlignOrder property.

cool, i'll try this out.

>      /Mats


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