        Here is a good grace test... And a wonderfull piece of music !
        I wrote the Mozart concerto for clarinet second part (adagio).
        Slured grace note works (thank's a lot)
        Listen the midi file... there's a realy good moment !
        Note that slured lonely grace note are not slashed on my original score.

        There's some warning that I don't understand.   
        On the original score i found those quind of strange beam (it's realy 
readable, better than 8 beams), but I don't know if we can do that sort of 
        There's the same thing with tuplet (2 tuplet (2/3 {32} linked with a upper 

        |---|---|---|        |---|---|---|
        |---|---|---|        |---|---|---|
        |    |    |    |        |    |    |    |
                |    |    |    |        |    |    |    |
              X   X   X   X      X   X   X  X

        One other thing : at the measure 23 I'd like someting like :
         [e8. \grace{[f32( e d )e]} f16] with two beam enclose (one for grace, one 
for notes). It don't work (some strange thing : If I use lily 1.4.5 with the 
notation in the linked file, it works just like I want !).

        Just for finish, staff are still too long at the end of lines, in lily 1.4.5 
and lily 1.5.2. 
        I can't read the glossary .ps in lily 1.5.2, and dvips glossary.dvi produce 
a ps file that don't work too.
        Once again, I fell that the grace mode is gone be realy great...

Olivier Guéry      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
%\version "1.5.2"
\include "english.ly"

stemdown = \property Voice.Stem \set #'direction = #-1
stemup = \property Voice.Stem \set #'direction = #1
stemboth = \property Voice.Stem \revert #'direction

slurdown = \property Voice.Slur \set #'direction = #-1
slurup = \property Voice.Slur \set #'direction = #1
slurboth = \property Voice.Slur \revert #'direction

\header {
%  dedication = "dedication"
  title = "Concerto"
  subtitle = "pour clarinette en Sib et piano"
  subsubtitle = "Adagio"
  composer = "Wolfgang A. Mozart (1756-1791)"
%  opus = "Opus 0"
%  piece = "Piece I"
  instrument = "Clarinette en Sib"
%  arranger = "Arranger"
%  poet = "Poet"
%  texttranslator = "Translator"
  copyright = "public domain"
%  enteredby = "jcn"
%  source =  "urtext"

melody = \notes \relative c'' {
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet"
        \key f \major
        \time 3/4
        c4( \p f4. )a8 | a( g )f4 r4 | c4.( \< [f8 a \! )c] | c8( \> bf \! )a4 r4 | 
% 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        g4.( [c8 a c] | )g4. [c8( d, a'] |
        )d8.( )c16 | c4 r4 r4 |
% 9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        a'4.( \p [g8 f e] | )d4 r4 r4 | bf'4.( [a8 g f] | )e4 r4 r4 |
        c'4.( [bf8 a g] | f )bf bf4.--( )a8 | a16( \> g bf g )f4 
        )g8.( \! )f16 | f4 r4 r4 | a8.( \p f16 c'4. a16 f | e4 )g r4 |
% 19 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        \property Voice.Slur \set #'attachment = #'(head . stem)
        [f32( d b g] [f d b g] 
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #0
        \property Voice.Slur \set #'attachment = #'(head . head)
        a''( g )f] | 
        \property Voice.Beam \revert #'height 
        \stemboth d8.( \> ds16 \! )e4 r4 | g4.( c16 b a g f )e | e( f cs )d d4 r4 |
% 23 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        e8.\( \< 
        \grace{[f32( e d )e]} f16 g8. \grace {[a32( g f )g]} a16 bf8-. \! \)e,-. | 
        g4( \> \! )f r4 |
% 25 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        g,,4 \f d'''(~ d16 b g )f | ds( e f fs g a b c gs a f d | )c4. [cs8( \> d \! 
)g] | f8.( g32 f )e4 r4 | 
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #0
% 29 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        g,,4 \f (~ [g16 a32 b c16 b] [a g f' )e] |
        \property Voice.Beam \revert #'height 
        %\property Voice.Stem \set #'direction = #1
%30 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        cs4( )d r4 | 
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'staff-position = #2
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #1.5
        [\times 2/3 {e16( \p \< d c!} \times 2/3 {d e f}] [\times 2/3 {g 
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'staff-position = #5
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #1.5
        f e} \times 2/3 {f g a}] 
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #0
        bf!16-. c-. d-. \! )e,-. |
        \property Voice.Beam \revert #'height 
        g4( \> \! )f r4 |
% 33 >>>>>>>>>>>>
        f4~ f32( 
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'staff-position = #7
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #-1
        g a g f 
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'staff-position = #5
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #-1
        e d c 
        \times 2/3 {b16 
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #0
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'staff-position = # 3 
        a g} \times 2/3 {f' e d} | )c8 r8 g''2-> | d,8 r8 a''2-> | 
        \property Voice.Beam \revert #'height 
        \property Voice.Beam \revert #'staff-position 
% 36 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        \property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(make-moment 1 8)
        \property Voice.Slur \set #'attachment = #'(stem . head)
        \times 2/3 {[g,16( \p gs a bf! b c] [cs d ds e f fs] [g! gs a bf! b )c!]} |
        \property Voice.Slur \set #'attachment = #'(head . head)
% 37 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        d,2.^\trill\( \grace{[c16( )d]} | \)c4 r4 r4

% 39 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        c,4 \p \< ~ c32( )e g-. c-. e,( )g c-. e-. [c( d e f g a b \! c] | )b4 r4 r4
        d,,4 \p \< ~ d32( )f g-. b-. f( )g b-. d-. [b( c d e f g a \! b!] | )b4 r4 r4

% grace part don't work with lily < 1.5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>

        \grace { 
        \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #0
        bf4^\fermata ( [)bf32 \( a bf  c] [d c bf a] [g fs g a] [bf a g f] [e ds e f] 
[g f e d] [c b c cs] [d c bf a] [g fs g a] [bf a g f] [e ds e f] [g f e d] c4( 
        \property Voice.Beam \revert #'height
        [)c8 d] [e f] [g a] bf4 \)b4 }
% 43 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        c4( \p f4. )a8 | a( g )f4 r4 | c4.( \< [f8 a \! )c] | c8( \> bf \! )a4 r4 | 
% 47 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        g4.( [c8 a c] | )g4. [c8( d, a'] | )c,2 
        )d8.( )c16 | 
        c4 r4 r4 | a'4.( \p [g8 f e] | )d4 r4 r4 | bf'4.( [a8 g f] | )e4 r4 r4 |
% 55 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        c'4.( [bf8 a g] | f )bf bf4.--( )a8 | a16( g bf g )f4 
        )g8.(  )f16 | f4 r4 r4 |

        \property Score.skipBars = ##t R2.*7

% 60 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        r4 r4 c16( \p e f a | c4 ~ c16 b bf )g bf( )a a( )f |
        c'4( \pp )c16( b bf )g bf( )a a( )f | d32( fs g bf cs d bf g )f4 
        )g8.( )f16 | 
        f4 r4 \times 2/3 {f,,16( \< a c} \times 2/3 {f a \! )c} | c4( \> \!)c16( b bf 
)g bf( )a a( )f |
% 72 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        c4( \pp )c16( b bf )g bf( )a a( f | [)g8 d'''( c bf a g] | 
        \times 2/3 {[)f16 \< c( d ds e f] [fs g gs a b bf]} c16 b bf \!)a |
        \property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(make-moment 1 4)
% 75 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        g2.(^\trill | \grace{[f16( )g]} )f4 r4 [f16( \p e] \times 2/3 {[g16 f d]} | c2 
b8 bf | )a4 r4 
        [\times 2/3 {g,16( \pp bf a} \times 2/3 {g16 bf d}] | )c4. c8( d e | )f4 f-.( 
\pp )f-. | f2 r4 \bar "|."

\score {
  \context Staff \melody
  \paper {
   \translator {
      SpacingSpanner \override #'arithmetic-basicspace = #3
  \midi  {
  \tempo 4 = 60 }

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