
I need some specific assistance, and I thought perhaps a list member might
have the information I need.  I work with my Church music director to
format music for the choir.  Unfortunately, she uses Allegro on a Mac to
do her composition.  I haven't been able to figure out a way to read her
files to modify them... or to get her my compositions.

I started out using LIME, because I figured that Allegro should be able to
import NIFFs... but she says she has had no luck with that.  Can Allegro
import NIFFs and she just isn't doing it right?  If so, where might I
find directions for her.

That still doesn't help the problem of reading her compositions on my PC.
I see that there is an ETF to Lilypond converter... but does it also
convert back to ETF?  If it doesn't; it really doesn't help this exchange
to happen.  And where is this ETF to XML converter I keep hearing about?

This problem seems stupid; like it should have a really simple solution.
I have a feeling that Coda has screwed things up enough so that there is
no solution.

Thank you for your time,

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