> I have installed LilyPond in windows 95. When i run

Which Lilypond version? If older than 1.4.7, try the most
recent version found at www.lilypond.org.

> dvips doc.dvi
> I will get the message
> "cannot find feta source file"
> after the command line
> makemf --verbose feta20
> Why?

Hard to say. First of all, verify which dvips command is used:
>> command -v dvips
(should return something like /usr/lilypond/wrappers/dvips)

Next, check that the variable $WINDOWS_MFINPUTS points to the
Windows style path to the Lilypond fonts:
(should return something like C:\cygwin\usr\lilypond\share\lilypond\mf)

Otherwise I don't have any direct clues. Does yap work correctly?
Have you looked at http://lilypond.org/wiki/?TroubleshootingWindows ?


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