On 19 Oct 1998, Rob Browning wrote:

> Eugene Kanter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ln -sf gnucash.motif gnucash.bin
> > (cd share && ln -sf ../src/scm scm)
> > /bin/bash: share: No such file or directory
> Quick fix
>   mkdir share
> and re-build.
> Longer term I'll have to see what's going on.  I though ./share was in
> the CVS repository, I don't know why you didn't get it.  If you're
> using cvs, you have to always specify the "-d" option with update or
> you won't get new directories...

Although I coud use CVS, I just downloaded the tar file in
ftp.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash directory.

After mkdir share I was able to start gnucash.

By looking at make output carefully I discovered swig errors

gmake[6]: Entering directory `/home/eugene/gnucash-1.1.20/src/swig'
swig -I../engine -I../guile -guile -o guile/gnucash-guile_wrap.c gnucash.i 
Generating wrappers for Guile
../engine/Query.h : Line 85: Unable to use return type time_t  in function
../engine/Query.h : Line 86: Unable to use return type time_t  in function
../engine/Transaction.h : Line 191: Unable to use return type time_t  in
function xaccTransGetDate.
../engine/date.h : Line 105: Unable to use return type time_t  in function

Also makefile rules are somewhat strange, since after make motif is
completed, make install attempts to recompile quite a few files and
relink gnucash.motif binary again.


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