> Actually Linux has been able to use files for a LONG
> time now.  The
> problem is that as recently as Redhat 5.2 (and maybe
> even 6.0) it still
> REQUIRES the configuration of a swap partition in
> order to install.  The
> reason?  Because RedHat says that's better.  
> Absolutely nothing more
> logical than that.:)


Actually, I would hope that all Unices would be able
to use files for swap.  Under Solaris, its to damn
easy to setup.  That really galls me about Linux.  Why
are two partitions required.  And why do Solaris and
Linux swap have the same ID number?  Why doesn't linux
just create swap on a seperate slice like everyone
else does and be done with it.  One OS, One Partition.



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