Dave Peticolas writes:
 > > Excuse me if this sounds dumb, but . . . 
 > > 
 > > How does one write a Scheme function that
 > > 
 > > a)  Takes no arguments (yes, that's trivial), and
 > (define (function-with-no-args) <definition>)
 > > b)  Is evaluated every time it's used?
 > I don't understand what you mean here. Every function
 > is evaluated when it is called.

What I didn't understand before, but do now, is that there is a
difference between functions with no arguments, and
variables - that 

(define x 1)



(define (x) 1)

are two different things.

Robert Merkel                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What a strange game.  The only winning move is not to play.
                -- WOP, "War Games"

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