> > Well, I got gnucash 3.6.2 running on SuSE Linux 6.3.
> You mean gnucash 1.3.2?

Yes. Stupid typo.

> > When I import my entire financial state from a set of Quicken exports (one
> > for each account, natch), all the transfers from one account to another get
> > duplicated.
> > 
> > A transfer is physically present in the .qif files of both the "from" and
> > the "to" account; presumably the duplication is a simple-mided consequence
> > of this.  When the transfer has been reconciled in one account but not the
> > other, one of the two resulting transactions is reconciled; the other is not.
> > What I would want is one transaction which is reconciled at one end only.
> > 
> > The obvious workaround is to delete one of the two transactions, but then
> > I also have to get a way of unreconciling one end or reconciling the other
> > end of each such transaction.  Is there an easy way of accomplishing this
> > edit?  And I have about six years' worth of data to convert -- maybe three of
> > four hundred transfers altogether.  It's hard to imagine editing it all
> > correctly by hand.
> > 
> > It seems there should be a more elegant way to handle this, perhaps with
> > special handling of imports.  I suspect that a transfer should be
> > considered to be a duplicate if there is already another transaction
> > bearing the same date and amount and bank accounts (and such pairs must
> > be paired off during inporting so that if you see four of them you still
> > end up with two).
> > 
> > I do not know where to even start looking in the source code to do
> > something about it.  Any suggestions?  Or am I missing
> > something obvious?
> There is a new qif importer in gnucash 1.3.3 which allows you to
> import multiple qif files at once. You might try that.

It appeared a day or so ago while I was hacking 1.3.2.
Thanks, I will.

Where is the code that checks for duplicate transactions during import?
I suspect my problem may be that Quicken does not force identity across
transfers for some details (such as cheque number) that gnucash compares.
If I were to patch gnucash (even temporarily, for just one run) to ignore
cheque numbers and memos and such for transfers between bank, credit, and cash
accounts (but not for income or expense accounts) my data would likely import
flawlessly.  The obvious place to make the changes in  xaccSplitMatch or
xaccTransMatch, but I can't seem to find how they are called from QIFIO
or gc-import-qifs.  Am I still missing something here?

> > (actually, I tried changing some of the scheme code as a first step,
> > to get it to write out the list of transactions as one humongous
> > S-expression (so that I might examine it by other means) but my changes seem 
> > to have no effect whatsoever.
> > Evidently there's something I still don't know about Scheme or
> > about the Makefiles.)
> What scheme code did you change?

the function gnc:import-file-into-account-group  in gc-import-qifs.
I now gather from a doc file that qif imports may still be done in QIFIO.c
and not yet in Scheme.  Is this still true?  If so, I expect that editing
gc-import-qifs can be expected to have no effect.

> > Is there an easy way to
> >   (a) uninstall?
> No, not with the current build system.

But if I make an gnucash RPM for SuSE I might be able to uninstall that.

> >   (b) build an RPM?
> Have you built one before? The gnucash.spec file in the rpm
> directory is what I have used.

Thanks.  No, I haven't.  It looks as if I have some reading to do.

> dave

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