Even though I am the author of one of the reports in the system, I hadn't
actually switched over from VMWare+MSMoney to GnuCash until today.

Here are some things I noticed:

- I cannot seem to delete transactions when in "auto-single" or multi-line mode
on the register.

- I got a few duplicate transactions on my import.  Basically splits that
touched two of Money's accounts and one category came in twice -- once properly
and once as a transaction between the accounts.  I can package up some QIF's if
this is not a known problem.  They were easy to track down and kill.

- Retained Earnings shows up on the balance sheet.  No big deal, I suppose. 
I'll have to look back on the discussion on this one.

- documentation is much better than I expected.

- I've got one account with a balance that is WAY off.  the problem may be that
one of the accounts is in USD (everything else is in CAD)  When I delete the
USD account, the balance seems to be reasonable.

- a unified transaction register would be nice.  It'd be nice to transfer $5
from cash to lunch and $30 from mastercard to beer in the same window.  Myself,
I have three accounts I use regularly -- it's a pain to switch beween them.

- I've got a sticky date tag on src/SplitLedger.c and src/register/splitreg.*
for March 26th.  It'd be nice to get that bug fixed before I get too far
out of date.  (see previous emails.)

- reports, especially the budget report I wrote, need a lot of work.  :)


Bryan Larsen, Senior Software Engineer & fall guy
Analog Design Automation:  Analog Circuit Synthesis?  Problem Solved.

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