On Thu, 06 Apr 2000, Dave Peticolas wrote:
> Right now, reports are represented in guile as a vector
> containing a version, name, option generator, and renderer.
> Some things I'd like to add in the future include a help
> text generator, and report-specific toolbar buttons and
> menu items. To eliminate the need to change each report
> every time we add a new feature, I'd like to move the
> report representation to the "key->value" style scheme
> closure.
> Any thoughts?

Sounds excellent to me.  I would love to have better access to the toolbar and

What I really want is a way to save views into reports.  For example, I want a
user defined report that gives me my budget status for the last 30 days, a
report that gives me the "balance" report for the current year, et cetera.


> dave
> --
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