I am afraid that I know the answer to this already, but I saw the
following text on an xemacs mailing list today, and I thought that it
would be nice to be able to do the same thing in gnucash.


This is what I set up for s/o that had printed a 10M buffer by
mistake. I don't know if it's the cleanest way. It goes in your

   [toolbar-file-icon toolbar-open t            "Open a file"]
   [toolbar-folder-icon toolbar-dired t         "View directory"]
   [toolbar-disk-icon toolbar-save t            "Save buffer"]
   ;;[toolbar-printer-icon toolbar-print t      "Print buffer"]
   [toolbar-cut-icon toolbar-cut t              "Kill region"]
   [toolbar-copy-icon toolbar-copy t            "Copy region"]
   [toolbar-paste-icon toolbar-paste t          "Paste from clipboard"]
   [toolbar-undo-icon toolbar-undo t            "Undo edit"]
   [toolbar-spell-icon toolbar-ispell t         "Spellcheck"]
   [toolbar-replace-icon toolbar-replace t      "Replace text"]
   [toolbar-mail-icon toolbar-mail t            "Mail"]
   [toolbar-info-icon toolbar-info t            "Information"]
   [toolbar-compile-icon toolbar-compile t      "Compile"]
   [toolbar-debug-icon toolbar-debug t          "Debug"]

King, Teri (AZ75) writes:
 > Is there an easy way to remove or move the Print button on the Toolbar?
 > I keep hitting print when I mean save.
 > Thanks,
 > Teri

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